The General Contractor Metro C has delivered the Multifunctional Well 3.3 to Rome’s Capital, located in the Gardens of Via Sannio, for pre-operation by ATAC, which is a prerequisite for the activation of the fourth functional phase Montecompatri/Pantano – San Giovanni (Well 3.3).
The delivery of Multifunctional Well 3.3 follows the pre-operation conducted by Metro C from April 29th to May 5th, 2021, which allowed for testing the equipment, both system and non-system, as well as the dual connection between the tracks. After obtaining all the necessary authorizations from the relevant authorities, this morning, June 18, 2021, the delivery report was signed, and the work was transferred to ATAC (the line operator) through Rome’s Capital for the commencement of the pre-operation under its jurisdiction.
Multifunctional Well 3.3 Details
The activation of Multifunctional Well 3.3 will reduce the turnaround time for trains at the San Giovanni terminus. The dual communication between tracks, known as the “cross” configuration, will enable the enhancement of the functions of the currently operational line section. Through the new railway switches, Line C trains will be able to transition quickly and efficiently from one track to another, allowing for what is called a “tail turnaround.” This will result in an optimization of the flow of the operational section and an overall improvement in the usability of the San Giovanni terminus, where one platform can be dedicated to passenger boarding and the other to disembarking.
Multifunctional Well 3.3 has been equipped with a room called SER (Signalling Equipment Room) for ATC (Automatic Train Control) signaling, dedicated to the automatic train circulation management. Inside the well, there is also an access elevator for firefighters. All devices and systems have been built in compliance with the latest fire safety and security regulations and have been tested through specific trial procedures.
Great attention has been paid to the urban context in the construction of the well. Thanks to the design contribution of the Special Superintendency for Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape of Rome, the architecture of the well entrance harmoniously integrates with the new layout of the gardens above Via Sannio, as well as with the existing Aurelian Walls, combining a modern concept of space arrangements with the opportunity to enhance the numerous archaeological findings discovered during the excavations.

Fourth Functional Phase Monte Compatri Pantano – San Giovanni (Well 3.3)
Well 3.3 represents the terminal of the fourth functional phase of the entire Monte Compatri/ Pantano – San Giovanni line (Well 3.3) and is the first well constructed in the T3 San Giovanni – Fori Imperiali Section of Line C.