Metro C: visits and training for professionals of major works

Metro C: visits and training for professionals of major works

Despite the strict restrictions due to the spread of Covid-19, Metro C S.c.p.A has maintained its commitment and its availability in support of on-the-job training for future professionals of major works. Respecting all safety rules, researchers and scholars were able to visit the construction sites of the Line C of the Rome subway.

The Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome, together with the Foundation of the Order of Engineers of Rome, organized a technical visit on June 16, 2021, focused on the theme of safety, at the Pozzo 3.2 construction sites in Piazza Celimontana and Fori Imperiali/Colosseo.

An experience of great interest for the 10 engineers involved in the visit and accompanied by Metro C S.c.p.A staff.

In June, as part of the 7th edition of the International Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring, promoted by the startup spin-off of Sapienza University of Rome, NHAZCA (Natural HAZards Control and Assessment), a field trip was organized, as it happened during the collaboration in previous years, at the Metro C Fori Imperiali construction site and at the monuments adjacent to the future station, such as the Basilica of Maxentius and the Temple of Venus. The visit gave 25 students the opportunity to see directly the application of a complex system of geotechnical and structural monitoring, in the main archaeological area of Rome. NHAZCA provides consulting and services for the analysis and monitoring of natural risks, in support of major infrastructures and collaborates with Metro C S.c.p.A since 2017 through in-class and on-site training courses. The month of September began with another important training opportunity for specialized staff of GEEG, a startup born within the faculty of Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome, which supports the design and construction processes of major works. The fruitful technical-scientific collaboration between Metro C scpa and the University, through the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (DISG), has been active for some time with a Research Agreement and has led to important studies in reference to the mechanized excavation of tunnels. The visit was an opportunity for the young technicians who participated in it, to see the tunnel widening works with traditional excavation at the Pozzo 3.2 construction site of Line C in Piazza Celimontana.

Il mese di settembre è iniziato con un’altra importante occasione formativa per il personale specializzato di GEEG , startup nata all’interno della facoltà di Ingegneria della Sapienza Università di Roma, che supporta i processi di progettazione e realizzazione di grandi opere. La fruttuosa collaborazione tecnico-scientifica tra Metro C scpa e l’Università, tramite il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica (DISG), è attiva da tempo con una Convenzione di Ricerca e ha portato ad importanti studi in riferimento allo scavo meccanizzato delle gallerie. La visita è stata l’occasione per i giovani tecnici che vi hanno partecipato, di vedere i lavori di allargo delle gallerie con scavo in tradizionale presso il cantiere del Pozzo 3.2 della Linea C a piazza Celimontana.