MURALES contemporary art in the Metro

MURALES in streaming
A monumental showcase for the future
Murales is the contemporary art project of the construction companies of line C of the Rome metro which aims to transform Piazza Venezia into an innovative cultural platform that looks to the future, exhibiting contemporary art works created by internationally renowned artists. The project invites us to reflect on the evolutionary nature of cities and the transformative role of infrastructure projects for a new model of city on a human scale.

Urban development Through Contemporary Art
A project for the visual mitigation of the silos serving the Venezia Station construction site which offers an innovative cultural platform to exhibit contemporary art works created by six of the most important contemporary Italian artists. Every four months, the silos of the construction site, set up like an art gallery, will host an unpublished work, transforming this dynamic artistic space into a laboratory open to dialogue and reflection.

MURALES IN HISTORY recalls an artistic tradition that has its roots in the very origins of Western art. The first artistic expressions of our civilization were born on a wall: that of the Lascaux caves, where, around 17,000 years ago, human beings traced symbols and scenes of collective life. The mosaics of Roman cities, medieval frescoes and monumental works of the Renaissance are just some examples of how the art of murals has always played a central role in visual and cultural communication.
Piazza Venezia Symbol of Urban Innovation
The construction site of the Venice Metro C station becomes a symbol of urban regeneration and sustainable development, a lively, open place, emblem of a city that rethinks itself, combining the intrinsic beauty of Rome with its need to evolve thanks to the ability of contemporary artists to face the complex challenges of our time.
With this initiative, Metro C not only contributes to mitigating the impact of the construction site in Piazza Venezia, but also to positioning Rome among the cutting-edge European metropolises, where contemporary art is integrated into the infrastructure construction sites.

Due anni e sei visioni del futuro
The MURALES project avails itself of the participation of six internationally renowned Italian artists, chosen by a Scientific Committee made up of representatives of the main Roman cultural institutions: Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, MAXXI, Palazzo delle Esposizioni and Galleria Borghese.
The selected artists offer a variety of original research through different artistic languages and techniques. Their works explore themes such as the reinterpretation of myths and symbols of the past, the evolving female identity, the history of communities, contemporary collective suggestions, the contamination between pop culture, fashion and design, and the underground youth imagination between art and rock music.

Le opere e gli artisti